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Norm : danger of taking the opinions of the majority as Norm
"Human beings are so influenced by the way things are in the world that if they were transported to the Kingdom of God, they would start criticising everything: ‘Oh, but it is so strange here; it is different at home… it is better…’ Exactly like the story of the man who belonged to a tribe whose members had only one eye. He went travelling and one day came across a nation where everyone had two eyes. On his return home he said to his compatriots: ‘I saw monsters, awful people: they did not have one eye like us, but two. We must attack them and take out their second eye!’ Well, this mentality can be found everywhere. As soon as people notice that someone has faculties or virtues that are a little different, they unite against him, saying: ‘This one is abnormal, we have to attack him’. Because the majority rule. This means that if most people behave like animals, we must descend to their level and be like animals. Observe this mentality, because sometimes it is your own."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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