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Ordeals : accept them but do not look for them
"Just because I tell you that hardships are useful does not mean you must go looking for them. In any case, you can be sure that they will come looking for you, because no-one on earth is sheltered from trials. Above all, do not try to imitate those who are prepared to accomplish heroic acts but who cannot tolerate the slightest inconveniencies in day-to-day living, and thus make life unbearable for those around them. Not everyone is destined to be a hero. On the other hand, we must all strive humbly to accept and surmount the difficulties which face us every day. This is the only way to avoid still greater suffering. When we fail to make these efforts, we become disorientated and powerless, and our trials become truly insurmountable."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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