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Orientation : once taken, adhere to it
"In everything you undertake, and especially in your spiritual work, strive above all to remain constant in your direction, because it is indecision that destroys you: forever questioning which way to go, and once a direction is taken, wondering if it is the right one or whether you should turn back. Begin by carefully reflecting, and once you sense you have found the right path, make every effort to hold firm to it, no matter what happens. You will of course take a few falls on your way, because you are still weak, but do not become discouraged, because heaven will send you help to. Even if your windows become dirty, tell yourself that tomorrow the rain will come wash them and make them transparent again. The entire life of a disciple is like this. He falls, he gets up…he gets dirty, he washes himself off. But he must maintain his courage, knowing that heaven is always there to support him in his striving."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Izvor Collection
Man's Subtle Bodies and Centres
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The Zodiac, Key to Man and to the Universe
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The Wellsprings of Eternal Joy




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