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Parents : their responsibility toward their children
"Why are there so many suicides and accidental deaths among adolescents? The transition from childhood to adolescence is marked not only by great physiological changes but by psychological and spiritual ones as well; and as adolescents do not know how to channel their energies, just when life begins to manifest itself the most forcefully in them, they are in danger of dying. It is here that parents have such great responsibilities. In recalling their own adolescent experiences, they must think years in advance about the period of crisis their children will inevitably pass through, so they will be in a position to give them the elements for surmounting it. Otherwise, what happens? When the time comes, the parents, completely overwhelmed by what is happening, let things go, telling themselves that after a difficult period everything will turn out fine. They do exactly what animals do: after a certain period of time, they turn their young loose in the wilds: whether they will survive or not remains to be seen. Indeed, they shall see what they shall see."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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