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Parents and educators : first must educate themselves
"Parents as well as teachers are responsible for our children, which is good, since children need to be looked after in order to develop. But have these parents and teachers first worked on themselves and demonstrated that they are equal to the task? No, in many cases they have lived and continue to live haphazard lives, allowing disorder to take hold within them. And now they present an example of deplorable conduct to our children, which has an extremely negative influence on their psyche and even repercussions on their health. If you intend to educate children, you must know that you leave traces on them of what you yourself are, and you must therefore begin by educating yourself. Otherwise it is just as if, your hands black with charcoal, you try to remove a little spot on someone’s face: you only make it dirtier. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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