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Parsifal : symbol of the adept on the path of initiation
"The legendary knight Perceval, or Parsifal, who sets out in quest of the Holy Grail, has become in the initiatic tradition the image of the adept on the path of initiation. Like Parsifal, who must cross dark forests, fight enemies and formidable giants, and elude snares, the disciple meets with darkness, temptations, dangers and enemies in his personal life. Once all these obstacles are overcome, Parsifal comes to a marvellous castle whose walls are decorated with gold and precious stones, where he is welcomed with solemnity; and it is here that he is allowed to contemplate the Holy Grail, the sacred vessel. The sight of the Grail symbolizes the supreme reward for the person who never ceases to nourish in his mind and heart the highest ideal: to acquire the inestimable gifts of the Spirit."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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