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Physical and spiritual worlds : there is no interruption between them
"We are in the habit of separating the physical plane from the spiritual plane, but the truth is that there is no separation, no division between the two. There is a continuous progression from the physical plane to the etheric plane and beyond this, to the astral, mental, causal, buddhic and atmic planes. This progression takes place through the intermediary of centres and organs on the subtle plane which are, in a sense, extensions of the organs and centres on the physical plane. We can consider these subtle centres (the solar plexus, the hara centre, the aura, the chakras) to be transformers which enable human beings to live harmoniously in the physical and spiritual realms at the same time, because there is a continuous coming and going between them. This is true spiritual alchemy: the continuous transformation of raw matter into fluidic, etheric and spiritual matter, and conversely, the diffusion of this spiritual matter within the physical body, which is then invigorated, animated and regenerated as a result."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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