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Physical body : must serve the manifestation of spirit
"Schematically it can be said that the human being consists of a material principle, the physical body, and a subtle principle, the spirit. But as the history of religion reveals, people have rarely understood what place they should accord to each. For some, only the spirit mattered, and they neglected their body to the point that they eventually wasted away. But, if the body is despicable to this extent, and only the spirit counts, why does man come down to earth? God should keep him on high, in the ethereal regions of space. If he descends to incarnate on earth, it means he has to work to do there with his body. The mission of the spirit is to take on a physical body and come down to work on the earth, to impregnate the earth with its qualities, thereby transforming it into a magnificent garden where God and his angels will come to walk. When Jesus said: ‘Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’, he too was praying that the splendours of the spirit incarnate in matter. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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