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Place : to find one’s Place : to be planted in the spiritual earth
"Only when you have successfully found the place which is truly yours can you taste joy and peace. You will say: ‘The place? What place is that?’ Obviously, the word ‘place’ has several meanings here: element, country, house, job, role, ideal. We often see people going this way and that without ever settling anywhere. They cannot find their place; they are rootless and unhappy. What they need is to be planted in fertile soil where they will begin to germinate. Until then, they are like seed in a barn waiting to be sown. When a seed is planted in good soil, it grows and bears fruit. It says, ‘At last, I have found my place,’ for its place was not in the barn where it would have gone mouldy or been eaten by mice. In the same way, what each one of us needs is to be sown, to be planted in spiritual soil."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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