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Poetry : a way of living
"People know what poetry is, of course, but only the poetry found in books, not in their lives. In their lives, most people are cold, stiff, dull, prosaic and unimaginative; nothing subtle emanates from them. They leave poetry to the poets who write it, and even if they read a few verses now and then, they do not lead poetic lives. In the future, a new concept of art will teach them to live day and night in poetry, in other words to manifest something luminous, warm, expressive and subtle. It is then that others will begin to love them.
Human beings are extraordinary. They need to be loved, they need good relationships with one another, but they seem to do everything possible to repel each other by remaining closed, gloomy and ponderous. How can anyone so unpleasant be loved? To be loved, you must learn to live a poetic life so you can bring warmth and light to others. " Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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