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Power of thought : practise by continuous efforts
"To live the spiritual life is first and foremost to experiment with the power of thought. If you do not obtain great results, it is because you are not faithful to the work undertaken: what you have built with one hand, you destroy with the other. Let us suppose that you have decided to work on harmony, on the harmony of your gestures, your words and your entire being. If you have not learned self-mastery, your chaotic thoughts and desires will continue to take hold of you and will gradually destroy your good work. In order to obtain lasting results, you must work in an intelligent, organised and methodical way. Perhaps you will not achieve great transformations in this incarnation, but you will obtain them in the next. You ask: ‘And why not in this one?’ Because you have not worked in this way in a previous incarnation. We do not obtain great spiritual achievements in a few months or even a few years, but must persevere with our efforts over several incarnations. Therefore, understand that you must set to work seriously in this lifetime in order to have good results in the next. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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