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Prayer : based on a science related to the structure of the universe
"The moment they find themselves in difficulty or distress, those who are naïve and gullible turn to the Lord, imagining he has nothing better to do than to come to their aid. But this is not true prayer. True prayer is based on a science which has to do with the structure of the universe and its different states of matter. Beyond the earth, beyond the water, air and light, there are regions in space of increasing subtlety, inhabited by spiritual entities. Just as we can draw everything we need for our physical life from the earth, water, air and light, we can draw everything we need for our mental, emotional and spiritual life from these regions.
The universe is a hierarchy. At the summit of this hierarchy reigns an all-loving Being who has distributed everything in such a way that no creature anywhere is wanting. It is now up to us, by means of thought, to strive to attain these spiritual regions where we may capture all the elements our heart and soul require, and where, in moments of anguish and uncertainty, we may find refuge." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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