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Prayers : heard only by entities whose task is to take care of human beings
"In his prayers and meditations, a disciple must begin by trying to reach the saints, the prophets, the initiates and the great masters, that is, those beings whose mission it is to take care of human beings. Then, he can rise further and invoke the angels because, in the celestial hierarchies, angels are the closest to human beings, and they can hear them and help them. He can then try to invoke the Archangels. But if he wishes to be heard by the Principalities and the higher angelic beings, it is useless even to try. There are countless worlds in infinite space inhabited by thousands of beings, and these angelic hierarchies, who have important work to carry out far away in space, have very little to do with our earth. Those who look after humanity are for the most part beings who have lived on the earth and have left it, but who remember it: they are still linked to it and have made promises which they intend to keep. A disciple must know that the higher hierarchies exist but that, to obtain results, he must address those beings who are closer to him. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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