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Praying : above all ask for light
"When you pray, above all ask heaven to give you light. For only light will allow you to find your direction, to avoid pitfalls and to find the strength to see your projects through to completion. It is not enough to be full of good intentions and to pray: ‘Lord, let me be successful.’ First of all you must know which direction to take and whether you are well equipped for these endeavours. So many believers end by saying: ‘Since the Lord didn’t support me, even though I put myself at his service, it’s all over. I no longer believe in him, I’m giving up.’ In reality, the Lord does support them, but he can do nothing for those who fail to reflect before they act. Reflection begins by questioning whether we are always able to see clearly or judge well. Without this initial doubt, faith can lead to disaster and even to the loss of faith itself. To the extent that you fail to understand this, even your best plans will come to nothing."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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