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Pre-destination of man : to become like God Himself
"Jesus said, ‘Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.’ Therefore, whatever your failings, whatever your problems and your suffering, never forget that your real future, your ultimate destiny, is to become like God Himself. If you forget this wisdom, this light, do not be surprised if you are never free of disappointment, sorrow and despair. And later on, of course, you will be a case for the doctors. So many people come to the brink of disaster! They are said to be depressed, neurasthenic, neurotic…there is no end to the scientific labels! But in fact it is always the same illness: a disregard for man’s true nature, for his divine essence and his final destiny, which is to return to the womb of the Eternal. Therefore, hold fast every day to the notion of this luminous future."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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