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Problems of the collective life : will be resolved when each individual reaches the higher consciousness of unity
"Human beings have still not resolved the problems of the collective life. Outwardly they may have formed nations and organised societies whose members support each other, and where everyone serves the whole and benefits from it. Inwardly, however, they remain isolated, aggressive and hostile towards one another. They have not learned how to apply all the progress they have made in their material and practical life, in the realm of organisation and technology, to their inner lives. That is why, despite all this progress, humanity is still suffering from the same misfortunes: wars, poverty, famine and oppression, on a scale unheard of until now. Real improvements can take place only as a result of a profound change in mentality. Human beings must feel themselves connected to one another spiritually, in order to succeed in forming the only true society: a universal brotherhood within themselves. It is when every individual strives to attain the higher consciousness of unity that societies, peoples and nations will begin to live in peace and freedom."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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