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Promises : do not count on them
"So many people are crushed because they feel they have been betrayed. They exclaim repeatedly: ‘But how is it possible? He promised me…. She gave me her word ….’ It is true, they were promised a great deal, but they should not have been so gullible! Most men and women, like children, make promises that they genuinely believe they can keep. When they give their word they are sincere and are convinced they will do what they say. But they do not know themselves, they do not know how weak and limited they are and, when the time comes, they lose their nerve, or forget. This is normal, and you must know in advance that this is possible. You must never ask human beings to do something that may be beyond their capacity because, even with the best intentions in the world, they may not be able to live up to your expectations."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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