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Reincarnation : voyage of souls is like that of water
"At the source of a river in the mountains, the water springs forth pure and crystal clear. As it descends, it collects dirt and wastes from the regions it crosses, and when it reaches the ocean, it is saturated with impurities. But soon, warmed by the sun’s rays, it is transformed into steam and takes up its journey into the sky, until one day it falls again in the form of rain or snow. We can interpret this voyage of water symbolically. Human destiny resembles the perpetual movements of water between heaven and earth. Like drops of water, souls descend to earth, each in a predetermined location. From there they have an entire road to travel until, tired and worn from life’s labours, they return to their starting point… only to descend again, one day, in another place. This is called reincarnation."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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