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Religions : all remind man of his divine origin
"All religions remind human beings of their divine origin and provide them with methods for merging with the Divinity. Religions are one thing, however, and their representatives are another. How few of these are truly conscious of the importance of their task. This is why, despite the existence of all the sacred books of unsurpassed elevation and beauty, we see so many people everywhere fall away and become prey to the seductive forces which inhabit their lower selves. If so many ‘believers’ are obliged to admit at some point that they no longer have faith, or perhaps that they never had it, it is because no one ever explained to them that faith begins with an understanding of the human being, and with the realization of the work they must undertake on themselves. One who has truly undertaken this work can no longer question the existence of God. Because he knows he is linked to this existence, that he is part of it, he can no more deny God than he can deny himself."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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