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Religions : mission is to lead human beings back to their celestial home
"The fundamental mission of religion is to help human beings return to the state of peace, joy and light they enjoyed in the beginning when they were still in the bosom of the Eternal. They are far less interested in the origin of creation itself, which is to say, in the efflux from the centre. For example, Moses wrote only one page to explain how God created the world and why Adam and Eve were driven from Paradise. Philosophers, theologians and great initiates have taken an interest in this question, of course, but on the whole they have not considered it a subject sufficiently worthwhile for human beings to bother about. Their concern is rather to find ways of convincing people to return to their place of origin, and to offer them methods for getting there. Human beings left Paradise and strayed from the divine source; we know this, and there is no use emphasizing it. What is important for them now is to discover the path back to their true country, to their celestial homeland."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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