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Salvation : is in the divine imprint that the human being carries within him
"To desire privileges and powers over others is an innate tendency of human nature. And there are many ways people can dominate others: if they cannot succeed on the physical plane, they attempt it on the psychic plane. Lacking other means of control, people motivated by ambition, greed and fanaticism have used religion to dominate their fellow humans psychologically. So we cannot help but observe that religion too often has become an institution with little concern for spirituality, and that it can no longer offer salvation to the faithful. Fortunately, the Creator has marked each human being with His seal. This mark is inscribed deeply within him, and allows him, when he truly desires it, to discover in his heart and soul that which religion does not bother to reveal. If he looks for this seal, he will find salvation."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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