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Science of life : more effective for human health than advances in medicine
"It is true that medical science is making great progress, but this is no excuse for people to live imprudently. If they fail to educate themselves in the science of life, medicine will remain powerless in spite of all its progress. While it is trying to cure certain diseases, the disorders people continue to produce in their organisms by their unreasonable lives will cause new ones to appear. When you puncture a rubber ball, a depression forms in it. You may try to correct it, but the depression will appear elsewhere. I can tell you that even if medicine has made enormous advances and continues to make even greater ones, this does not give human beings license to live however they please, without taking certain principles into account. Nor will any psychologist, psychiatrist or psychoanalyst ever manage to restore balance in someone who believes he can transgress with impunity the laws of the moral and spiritual worlds."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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