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Science of man : all sciences must be put in its service
"All sciences must be placed in the service of the one science truly worth studying: the science of the human being. Unfortunately, however, it has been abandoned for the moment in favour of physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, and so on. You may say: ‘But there is anatomy and physiology; this is at least something!’ Of course it is something, but it is still not the whole human being. We must change our point of view. From now on we must focus on the whole human being, including the Divinity which lives within him. All other sciences must contribute to this study instead of being considered independently. Because in reality, man is the summary of everything that exists, and all sciences meet in him. When scientists and philosophers accept this point of view, the entire concept of existence will be transformed. We will no longer assign the greatest importance to what exists outside man, to what is material, fixed and dead, but to life and all its subtle aspects."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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