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Sentiments : and gestures; their relationship
"There is a close relationship between sentiment and gesture. When you experience anger or love, why does this feeling blaze a trail all the way to the physical plane? Whether you want to or not, you make gestures which correspond to it. When you feel love for someone, you are instinctively compelled to meet him, to give him presents, to embrace him, and when you are furious with him, it takes a great effort to keep from venting your anger and giving him a few blows. Every sentiment is expressed through specific gestures, and the opposite is equally true. If you look as if you are full of wonder, you will end up being wonder-struck. If you pretend to be indignant, eventually you will be indignant. Just as feelings provoke gestures, gestures also provoke feelings. We must be conscious of these laws and use them in our daily life."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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