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Skin : its work is determined by our thoughts and feelings
"Our contemporaries are increasingly convinced that exposing themselves to fresh air and sunshine benefits their health. They do so in various states of nudity, but this is not really the point. ‘Then what is it?’ you will ask. The point is that what they receive will depend on their thoughts and feelings. The skin itself is neutral, and is capable of allowing everything to pass through it, both good and bad. What directs and determines the work of the skin is our consciousness, our thinking. According to what is in your mind, the skin can favour or prevent the entrance of certain elements. If your thoughts and feelings are pure, luminous and linked to God, it is as if your skin received an order from above to drive out poisons and to attract only life-giving particles and energies. If carried out under good conditions, this communion with the forces of nature can purify you both physically and spiritually,"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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