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Small things : begin by Small things in order to realise great things
"Human beings are capable of great things, but only if they begin with the small things; and the greater their ambition, the more modestly they must begin. Someone who is successful senses his consciousness expand, and it is this expansion of consciousness that matters. On the other hand, setting one’s sights too high can only lead to failure, and this failure diminishes something within him and undermines his confidence. So, when you engage in the spiritual life, do not begin by saying: ‘In several months, or a few years, I will live in divine light because I will have overcome all my baser instincts.’ This is not possible, because these are tendencies which you have nurtured over many incarnations and, if you begin full of illusions, you will quickly become discouraged, for you will meet only with failure."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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The Wellsprings of Eternal Joy




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