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Snowdrop : gives example of courage when facing difficulties
"Look at a snowdrop: what will, what force, what courage it takes to command the snow and the earth: ‘Go on, open up, I want to come out!’ And yet it is fragile: its petals are so tender, so delicate…a mere nothing can damage it. But the earth and snow obey: they give way to it, and it comes forth and blooms. What is this power that compels the earth to open up? The snowdrop possesses an irresistible force in its tiny stem which begins to peek through, and it is this force which triumphs. Love always triumphs! And you, do you not have greater possibilities than a snowdrop? Yes, you do, only you do not know how to go about saying to the difficulties and limitations in your life: ‘Come on, let me through, I want to get out. I want to admire and praise the Creator, to commune with him. Open up!’ If you persist like the snowdrop, in the end you will emerge, free and triumphant."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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