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Society : is not transformed by violence, but by example
"It is true that many things in our society need to be corrected, but these changes must not be accomplished through violence. True changes are never achieved by means of violence, which always gives rise to evils worse than those it claims to be fighting. How then can we transform society? By our way of life. If we first change ourselves, we can influence the entire world. This is what the Universal White Brotherhood teaches us. It gives us all the principles, all the methods, so that by working on ourselves we will one day be living proof that it is possible to create a better society. Humanity has the potential to become a brotherhood, a family, but in order for this to happen, a certain number of people must begin to set an example and gain recognition. Yes, gain recognition, but without violence: we must command attention solely through nobility, greatness, light and beauty. Those who are not capable of gaining recognition in this way should not aspire to transform society."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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