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Society : living in it while keeping our high ideal
"To live the spiritual life does not mean to withdraw from the world. The spiritualist may live in society, in fact he must live in society, but at the same time remain connected to the light, to wisdom, so that he is always equal to any situation. If he capitulates, if he goes spiritually bankrupt, he not only loses his force, his equilibrium and his authority, but he is no longer of interest to others. You will say: ‘But it’s so difficult to live among people who don’t have the same aspirations, who don’t think as we do!’ Yes, this is difficult, but there is no alternative. You must associate with human beings, you must love them and work with them, all the while adhering to your high ideal, to your divine philosophy. In doing so you become a centre, a spring, a garden, an orchard: not only do you yourself have everything you need, but you also have the means to benefit those around you. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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