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Soul sister : the complementary part of ourself with which we must fuse
"Consciously or unconsciously, every human being seeks his soul mate. In fact, our soul mate is ourself, the other pole of ourselves which lives on high close to God in perfection and fulfilment. This is why in all the initiations the disciples were taught how to rediscover themselves. In India, the methods of Jnani-yoga enable the yogi to unite with his higher Self, for by uniting with our higher Self we become united with God Himself. In Greece we find the same idea expressed in the formula inscribed on the front of the temple at Delphi: ‘Know Thyself’. This phrase, in fact, does not have the meaning usually attributed to it: accept that you are a human being and that as such you are limited. True knowledge is a fusion of the two principles. This is the meaning of the words in Genesis: ‘And Adam knew Eve’ or ‘Abraham knew Sarah’. ‘Know Thyself’ thus means: find the other pole in yourself, your complementary half. If you are a man, the other pole within you is the feminine principle and, if you are a woman, it is the masculine principle, with which you unite in purity and light."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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