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Spiritual Master : in telling us the truth about ourselves, he is our true friend
"Because they are exasperated without realizing it, at times people around you reproach you for certain shortcomings. In general, however, people do not dare tell you the truth about yourself. Why? Because they are afraid of losing your services or making an enemy of you. Behind this amiable, tactful attitude there is self-interest, and as a result, you maintain your faults, which only worsen with time. A true spiritual master conducts himself differently. He has no self-interest, he is not afraid, and he has nothing to lose. Since he knows the truth, he has already obtained everything, and he thus shows you your imperfections, and especially those which do you harm and keep you in the lower regions. He shows you everything that makes you ill and unhappy. Why? Because he is actually your best friend, and it his desire is to give you the means to correct your failings."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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