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Spiritual Master : remain inwardly close to him
"A master makes every effort to be available to his disciples, but the moment always comes when they must return home to look after their families and resume their work. Some complain: ‘I don’t understand: when I’m with the Master, everything is easy, but when I’m away from him, things become complicated again.’ Why does this happen? It is easy to understand. If a disciple meets with problems when he is away from his Master, it shows he has distanced himself, that he has abandoned his Master. It is necessary to leave his Master physically, of course, but he must not abandon him in his consciousness. Otherwise, in the mind of the disciple, the first thing that comes along takes the place of his Master, and, once dismissed, the Master can obviously do nothing more. It should come as no surprise, then, if suddenly things become very difficult: the Master is no longer there. Without realizing it, the disciple has found someone or something else to replace him." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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