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Spiritual Masters : God reveals himself through his intermediaries
"People speak of ‘revealed religions’ as if at a certain moment in history God himself spoke in order to make himself known and deliver his commandments. And what he said at this time must be considered definitive; nothing can ever be added or subtracted. But this is not so: God has never shown himself in person. He has only made himself known through his most enlightened and worthy sons: Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed and all the great spiritual masters, some of whom remain unknown because history has not preserved their names. But these beings who served as intermediaries each belonged to a particular culture and a particular epoch; they could not speak in the absolute and for all eternity. This is why God, who is love, never ceases to send his intermediaries to earth and to reveal himself through them."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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