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Spiritual acquisitions - the need to prepare for : the need to prepare for
"For most of those who at some point decide to walk the spiritual path, it remains a vague aspiration with no solid foundation. They venture into it without any preparation, imagining that all their inner difficulties will be overcome, that the invisible world will reveal itself to them, and that the angels will come to serve them simply because they wish it to be so. No, unfortunately not! One who truly wants to advance on the spiritual path begins by understanding that he must prepare himself for years and years, and then, perhaps, one day, all of a sudden, he will reach the goal. In the spiritual realm, it is the preparation which is long. But very few have the patience to prepare themselves, and they imagine they are living the spiritual life while inwardly they continue to entertain any sort of preoccupation whatsoever. From time to time, of course, they supposedly meditate a little, and this is enough for them. Yes, this is enough for them, perhaps, but in fact it is not enough. In order to progress inwardly, there are requirements to be met. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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