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Spiritual life : we understand by means of our work
"Someone says: ‘Before I commit myself to the spiritual life, I want irrefutable proof of the existence of God and the invisible entities, of the immortality of the spirit and of life after death.’ Oh dear! This person will have to wait a very long time…all his life, in fact! And as he will be doing nothing while he is waiting, he will stagnate; he will prevent the development of his best qualities, and he will be unhappy. You may say it is normal to want to understand and see for yourself before making a commitment! Yes, but in this case, it is like someone in the dark refusing to press the light switch until the entire wiring system is explained to him. Or like someone who refuses to get in his car until the engine is dismantled and he is shown how every last piece of it works. Isn’t it more reasonable to begin by turning on the light or getting in the car? Afterwards there will be all the time in the world to understand how these things work. Well, it is the same with the spiritual life; you understand by engaging in it."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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