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Spiritual master : conditions for him to manifest his powers
"A spiritual master is a being who possesses great psychic powers, but these powers do not allow him to act at all times, in every location, under any condition, and with just anyone. A verse of the Gospels says that, when passing through Nazareth, Jesus did not perform many miracles because of the scepticism of its inhabitants. Even though he possessed great powers, he did not reveal them before people who were not open or trusting. And to the man who requested healing for himself or for his child, he replied: ‘According to your faith, may it be to you’, or, ‘Your faith has made you well’. Of course, those who are ignorant will say that Jesus was self-centred and vain, and this is why he agreed to help only those who had blind faith in him. No, the true explanation is that faith and doubt can be compared to chemical elements: faith is made of subtle elements which favour fulfilment, and doubt is made of elements that oppose it."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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