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Spiritual teaching : creates trouble if we do not know how to apply it
"The best of things may become harmful if we do not know how to use them, and this is particularly true in the spiritual realm. Someone comes to me and complains: ‘I practise the Teaching, I follow the instructions, but I feel nervous and unbalanced.’ I respond: ‘Well, for me this proves you are mistaken in saying you carefully follow the Teaching. You are most likely giving free reign to something pernicious in yourself, such as your pride or your unbridled imagination. Perhaps you push yourself too hard as well, because you want great spiritual results too quickly. All this does not conform with the Teaching. Do not blame it, then, because it is you who does not know how to go about it.’ A spiritual teaching is designed to balance us, to help us grow stronger and blossom. If you are prey to certain problems, you must look within yourself to discover which laws you are transgressing. Properly understood and applied, the Teaching can only harmonize your entire life."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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