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Spiritual teaching : concerns the heart, soul, and spirit more than the intellect
"When you follow a spiritual teaching, it is assumed, of course, that you are going to instruct yourself by reading and by attending lectures or conferences, in order to have a clear idea of the path on which you are engaged. But readings, courses and conferences will not be enough, since they nourish only the intellect, which stays on the surface of things and does not touch what is essential. Follow a spiritual teaching is not only a means of instructing yourself, but a means of linking yourself with heaven, of experiencing feelings and states of consciousness of a higher order which allow you to discover other regions within yourself. This is why you must undertake an inner work in which the heart, soul and spirit play the greatest part. The intellect’s role is merely to show you which path to take, to give you the reasons for taking it, and no more. All the rest of the work must be done by the heart, the soul and the spirit."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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