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Spirituality : precautions necessary to live it harmoniously
"Spiritualists must rid themselves of the illusion that their convictions and experiences are valid for everyone. If you decide to practise a religion, to follow a spiritual teaching, you must not go and talk about it everywhere in an attempt to convert others. Strive to go deeper into the truths you are discovering and to apply them sensibly, and leave others in peace. Such precaution is especially useful in the beginning, because at this point we are inwardly neither strong nor well armed. It is difficult enough to understand what spirituality and religion truly are, and there is so much that needs to be clarified if we are to live them profoundly and harmoniously! Those who have not begun by understanding things clearly for themselves may feel free to behave in ways which will turn out to be detrimental both to themselves and to others."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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