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Subconscious : its role in scientific discoveries
"If you examine the matter closely, you will see that the unconscious often plays a large part in scientific discoveries. Many scientists are not even sure at first what they are looking for; they are simply motivated by the certainty that if they continue in a certain direction, they will find something. And the constancy and intensity of their efforts sometimes bring them close to a state of astral projection, in which they are launched into unknown regions they could never have imagined. This is why, all of a sudden and when they are least expecting it, the solution comes to them. For others this can happen while they are sleeping. The soul of the human being travels, and, unbeknownst to him, it makes contact with other worlds. Even if, in the name of objectivity and rationality, scientists do not accept this idea, they too have a soul which travels, which has encounters and returns with revelations. If you question them, they will tell you they made their discoveries quite by chance. No, there is no such thing as ‘by chance’; pre-existing conditions led them to come upon this ‘chance’"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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