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Subtle bodies : nourish them by elements captured in the higher regions
"From the earth to the stars, the whole universe obeys the law of hierarchy. This means that the grossest and heaviest elements accumulate below, whereas the lightest and purest elements tend to rise. This is a physical law which is also found in the psychic realm. The disciple who understands this law strives to climb very high through meditation, contemplation and prayer in order to capture the subtlest particles of matter with which to build his subtle bodies, his spiritual bodies. And as these materials are linked to energies, to entities, the purer they are, the more vibrant and radiant are the energies and entities that are attached to them. Thus, by replacing the old particles of his body with new ones, the disciple welcomes more evolved visitors into his psyche."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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