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Sun : symbol of the universal religion
"Catholicism has presented itself as the sole universal religion. But, in fact, the only religion which can truly claim to be universal is one inspired by the sun. Because the sun is universal. ‘And the Lord,’ you will say, ‘ is he not universal?’ Of course the Lord is universal, but for our ordinary human consciousness, he is so imperceptible and inaccessible! On the grounds that we must recognize only one God, many refuse to accept a solar religion, a philosophy which presents the sun as the symbol of the Divinity. But because they are unable to contact God, they remain in the void. Claiming that they praise and glorify only the Lord, they feel and understand nothing. Is this intelligent? Why not realize that it is the sun, above all, that can bring us closer to God by giving us an image of his light, his love and his power? As long as we reject the sun, we remain in the shadows, cold and weak."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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