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Thank you : magical word capable of transforming everything
"There are all sorts of books which describe how to meditate and what formulas to pronounce during these meditations. I do not deny that they are beautiful, useful and effective. But there are two words which are never mentioned, words which for me are the most powerful of all, words which clarify, which harmonize, and which heal, and these words are ‘thank you’. I have tried many methods in my life and have carried out many experiments, but the day I acquired the habit of consciously pronouncing the words ‘thank you’, I felt I had gained possession of a magic wand capable of transforming everything. And in you too, if you know how to pronounce them, their work will extend to the very marrow of your bones. Nothing is more important than to thank God: ‘Thank you, Lord. I thank you with all my heart, with all my mind, with all my soul and with all my spirit, thank you.’ You have all eternity in which to understand and appreciate the value of these words. [VN1] …to do so is not good… [VN2] “faithful” ? [VN3] “soon” ? [VN4] solve or resolve? [VN5] “by” or “from” ? I would orefer “from.” [VN6] Perhaps you could say “psychic and spiritual” [VN7] Or “imprints”?? [PV8]The quote I find in the revised Bible is “My Father is working still, and I am working.’ Not very poetic! Do we use that, or the one I used here, translating the Master’s words? It’s the only one I find in my (not great) Concordance. Do you see anything else/better? [PV9] Or, everything: the book of the human being. ?? [PV10] Do we cap Initiatic too? "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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