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Thought : its movement can move the entire world
"Imagine you are on a beach by the sea. There, you stir the water with a small stick, creating swirls. Little by little, twigs, scraps of paper and corks begin to circle round. And soon, if you continue, small boats, then large ships, and finally the entire world begins to turn in the circle. The etheric ocean in which we are immersed is similar to this liquid ocean, and if we practise and persevere, by means of thought we can stir the entire world. Strive, therefore, to understand the few principles on which the spiritual life is based, in order to become conductors of the divine world, workers in the field of the Lord. By means of thought, maintain this inner movement unfailingly until all the particles of your being are mobilized in the realization of this luminous work you have undertaken – a work not only on yourself, but on all the creatures of the earth, and even beyond, on the entire universe."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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