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Time, work, faith : conditions to obtain results
"Most people readily admit that in order to succeed in the material world, you must be committed and work without cutting corners. But in the spiritual realm they imagine they can obtain results easily and quickly. What a mistake! First, you must set to work and never relax your effort. Secondly, you must not be in a hurry, because each great accomplishment is a long-term enterprise, and the time it will take cannot be calculated. Finally, you must be convinced that what you undertake in this way will one day bear fruit, because nature is faithful and true, and the laws which govern it can never be faulted. Work, time and faith. You do not realise the wealth contained in these three words. We can, of course, present them in a different order: faith, work, and time, and so on. What is essential is to understand that these three elements are linked, and to know how they are linked."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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