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Traces : think of leaving only the best Traces
"Wherever they go and whatever they touch, human beings leave traces of themselves. We say of those who are evil that where they have walked, grass will not grow. Yes, symbolically speaking, this is no exaggeration. Others, on the contrary, who think only to enlighten, invigorate, comfort and liberate others, leave such life-giving and luminous imprints [VN7]wherever they go that those who come after them suddenly feel regenerated. You too, wherever you are, remember to offer your best wishes: ‘May all those who come here be touched by goodness and brotherhood… May their lives be transformed. May they become children of God and work for the coming of His kingdom on earth!’ Whether you are in the city or the country, whether you are walking down a street or a path, bless this road or this path. Ask that all those who pass this way receive life, peace and light, so that they may learn to vibrate in ever greater unison with the divine world."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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