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Trust : one of the foundations of life in society
"Whether they like it or not, human beings have to live with one another. They depend on each other, and relationships among them are possible only if they are based on a certain amount of trust. This trust manifests itself the moment they wake up in the morning. To begin the day, they must at least believe that all kinds of disasters will not befall them. If, before leaving the house, everyone were to hesitate and ask himself: ‘What’s going to happen to me? Someone might attack me… A car might crush me… A flowerpot might fall from a window and knock me out…’, life would become a living hell. Even the most apprehensive must have a minimum of trust. Our existence is based on trust, and this trust is so natural that we are not aware of it. Thanks to it, life in society is possible: every undertaking, every step taken, every initiative is living proof of our trust."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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