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Trust : losing it means also losing love
"‘I have been betrayed, and I will never trust anyone again.’ How often have we heard this! But why does the fact that people have been betrayed lead them to lose trust completely? Quite simply because, in most cases, the trust they place in others is not founded on respect, esteem or true affection, but on their hopes of extracting some profit from them. It is a business of sorts, based on calculation: they see above all the selfish advantages they stand to gain from this trust. When they suddenly realize they have been deceived, it is all over, they lose all trust. But in losing trust they also lose love, for it is obvious that we cannot love others if we do not trust them. In other words, we lose all that gives beauty and meaning to life."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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The Zodiac, Key to Man and to the Universe




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