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Truth : on beings and things: a synthesis which can be made only by spirit
"The intellect is a faculty which permits people to know the physical world and a little of the psychic world, but nothing more. It is thus a very limited faculty. The intellect alone cannot know the truth. For example, the truth of a rose cannot be described and analysed merely in terms of its form, its colour and its perfume. The truth of a rose is its soul and its emanation, an entire collection of elements which make it a rose and nothing else. And the same thing applies to a human being. The truth about him encompasses everything about him: his soul, his spirit, his thoughts, his feelings and his activities. As long as you do not know these, you do not know the truth about him; you have only a few notions about his appearance and his behaviour. Truth is a synthesis which can be known only by the spirit."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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