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Unity of creation : hell, like heaven, is nourished by divine life
"Life can be compared to a river which flows from the divine Source. As it descends, it travels through regions which the Christians call the angelic hierarchies and the cabbalists call the sephiroth. But the life which emanates from God does not stop here; further down it also takes in those regions Christians call ‘hell’ and the cabbalists call ‘kliphoth’ (meaning crust), which are inhabited by creatures of darkness. These creatures receive the life of God and are also nourished by the life of God. But what kind of food do they receive? Unlike that which the angelic entities receive on high, they must be satisfied with the peelings and scraps rejected by the creatures above them. This is not first-rate, of course, but there remain in these peelings a few particles of the life which has come from high in the divine realms. As I must endlessly repeat: no life can exist outside of God. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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